vineri, 5 august 2011

Need advice

 I just messed a beautiful jacket by staining it with some paint. Don't ask how, I have no idea.. All I know I found the dry white stain of paint on my red cotton jacket. :( It's so sad, coz it's a beautiful jacket. The only thing I tried was nail polish remover and I actually managed not to mess it up even worse. But there are parts where the stain is too concentrated or too big and I have no idea how to fix it. Any suggestions? I would really appreciate it.
Thank you so much!

2 comentarii:

Label me Addict spunea...

wow!!! i have no idea how to HELP you with that...

but i HYPED you on LB...

you have a lovely blog come visit mine at

Label me Addict spunea...

hey babe i have no idea how to HELP YOU

but i HYPED you on LB!!!

your blog is LOVELY come visit mine at